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Becoming a Mapres Like a D4 Electrical Engineering Student at UNY

Hilal Fahrul Hamam, a fourth semester student of the D4 Electrical Engineering Study Program, Applied Undergraduate Program, Yogyakarta State University, has succeeded in becoming the first winner in the Selection of Outstanding Students (Pilmapres) at the university level in the diploma program.
Hilal, his nickname has succeeded in eliminating several other participants at the faculty level, he became an Outstanding Student in the Diploma Program. Then Hilal represented the Faculty of Engineering to compete at the University level. Selection at the university level, Hilal managed to qualify as the first winner, then he will represent UNY in the 2021 National Pilmapres in the Diploma Program.
Pilmapres is an annual competition held by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia (Kemdikbud-ristek RI). Before competing at the national level, participants must pass a series of pre-tests, namely personality tests, interviews, innovative products, speeches (English speeches), portfolio achievements, and superior achievements. This year, the series of tests that began at the faculty and university level were carried out online, considering the Covid-19 pandemic that is still engulfing Indonesia.
During a series of selections, in the Innovative Products session, Hilal brought the theme New Normal. He thinks that this is something that is really needed by the community, considering that the government is currently very aggressively making calls to implement health protocols in welcoming the New Normal. While in the speech session, Hilal brought the theme of the 7th Point of Sustainable Development Goals (SDG's), namely Clean and Affordable Energy. Considering that Energy is one of the concentration courses that Hilal is interested in.
In the midst of his busy college life, Hilal is actively participating in national level competitions. These competitions include in the field of Appropriate Technology (TTG), Essays, and Scientific Writing. Currently Hilal is also busy preparing the ongoing PKM. In addition, he is also active in organizations outside and inside the campus, including organizations that Hilal participated in, namely the Student Executive Board (BEM) FT UNY, the Faculty Student Activity Unit (UKMF) Matrix, and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) SB. UNY.
“Alhamdulillah, I did not expect that God gave me a very extraordinary opportunity, namely to be able to represent UNY in one of the prestigious events in Indonesia. I hope that with my election as the Mapres Diploma of UNY, besides being able to contribute to the University, especially my faculties, I can also motivate friends to keep working under any conditions and continue to be passionate about working to uphold our alma mater and our beloved nation, the Indonesian Nation. ” Hilal said when interviewed. (RBD)
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