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About Study Program
The early history of the establishment of the Department of Electrical Engineering Education is closely related to the early history of the founding of the Faculty of Engineering, Yogyakarta State University. The beginning of the establishment of the Faculty of Engineering, Yogyakarta State University, began with the opening of the BI/B II Course program in 1956, which aimed to improve the quality of teaching and increase teaching staff at technical schools throughout Indonesia by the Ministry of PD and K, among others in Bandung, Semarang and Surabaya.
In 1956 the BI/BII Engineering course was opened in Yogyakarta with the majors: (1) Machinery; and (2) Buildings. Furthermore, with the Decree of the Minister of PD and K No. 82600/S dated August 31, 1957, starting from September 1, 1957, another department was opened, namely the Department of Bridge Construction. So that in the 1957/1958 academic year the BI/BII Engineering course had three majors, namely: (1) Mechanical Engineering; (2) Department of Building; and (3) Department of Bridge Construction. Due to the lack of interest in the Department of Bridge Construction, in 1962/1963 the BI/BII engineering major was changed to: (1) Department of Machinery; (2) Department of Buildings; and (3) Civil Engineering Department.
In 1961 there was a very basic change for the BI/BII course institution carried out by the Minister of PD and K with a decree no. 7/1981 dated February 7, 1961, the BI/BII Engineering course changed to the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education in the Engineering Section (FKIP Engineering Section) which was part of the Gajah Mada University.
In 1963 with the Decree of the Minister of PTIP No. 55 of 1963, dated May 22, 1963 stipulating the establishment of IKIP Jakarta, IKIP Bandung, IKIP Yogyakarta and IKIP Malang since May 1, 1963, with the following faculties:
Faculty of Science Education;
Faculty of Social Sciences Teacher Training;
Faculty of Arts and Literature Teacher Training;
Teaching Faculty of Exact Sciences; and
Faculty of Engineering Teaching.
In the 1965/1966 school year, the Faculty of Engineering Teacher Training was in accordance with the needs of electrical engineering teachers, the majors were added to: (1) Mechanical Engineering Department; (2) Department of Electrical Engineering; (3) Department of Building Engineering; and (4) Department of Civil Engineering.
In line with the increasing need for teachers for STM and the need for instructors at the Technical Education Training Center (BLPT), the government with funding assistance from the World Bank IV Project, which began in 1976, provided assistance to FKT IKIP Yogyakarta and FKT IKIP Padang in the form of facilities and adequate infrastructure, namely the construction of a new FKT Yogyakarta campus located north of the Yogyakarta IKIP Central Building.
The assistance provided through the Fourth World Bank Project includes at least 4 aspects, namely: (1) construction of a new building complete with equipment procurement which includes lecture halls, laboratories and workshops; (2) improving the competence of lecturers through domestic and foreign trainings; (3) program development/implementation funds; and (4) education consultant assistance (expert from abroad).
The main program of the Fourth World Bank assistance for FKT IKP Yogyakarta and Padang is to prepare skilled teachers in practical teaching in laboratories and workshops for STM. So the curriculum must be adjusted or oriented to the STM curriculum. With the new program, the majors at FKT IKIP Yogakarta are as follows:
Department of Electrical Engineering Education;
Department of Electronic Engineering Education;
Department of Mechanical Engineering Education;
Department of Automotive Engineering Education; and
Department of Building Engineering Education.
The implementation of this new program began in the 1979/1980 academic year. Meanwhile, the new building of FKT IKIP Yogyakarta and Padang was officially inaugurated by President Soeharto on October 14, 1981 in Yogyakarta. World Bank IV assistance in the form of projects officially ended on December 31, 1980. And the first product (graduates) was at the end of the 1982/1983 academic year. For this purpose, from the beginning of 1981 until the end of 1983, FKT IKIP Yogyakarta and Padang received assistance from UNDP in the form of a grant. This UNDP assistance was finally extended until the end of 1984. Based on the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia No.0141/O/1983 dated March 5, 1983, and No.0554/O/1983, the name of FKT was changed to FPTK (Faculty of Technology Education). and Vocational). At the same time, the Department of Family Welfare Education (PKK), which was previously under the Faculty of Education, has been integrated under the Faculty of Technology and Vocational Education with two study programs, namely the Catering and Dressing Study Program. Thus, since then FPTK has 6 majors, namely:
Department of Electrical Engineering Education;
Department of Electronic Engineering Education;
Department of Mechanical Engineering Education;
Department of Automotive Engineering Education;
Department of Building Engineering Education; and
Department of Education Family Welfare.
After the end of assistance from the World Bank, FPTK IKIP Yogyakarta was still given the opportunity to receive assistance from UD-3 in the form of operational assistance, starting from 1986 to 1991.
Now FT UNY has implemented a Quality Management System with the achievement of an ISO-9001: 2008 certificate. With the ISO 9001:2008 certificate, the management of FT UNY is ready to support the "UNY go International" program by starting to prepare a blueprint to go to World Class University.
Kontak Kami
Jurusan Pendidikan Teknik Elektro
Fakultas Teknik Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Alamat : Kampus Karangmalang, Yogyakarta 55281
Telp : (0274) 586168 psw. 293, (0274) 548161, Fax : (0274) 586734
email :,
Dr. Ir. Hartoyo, MT.
Admin Web: Tedi Oktavianto (
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